Monday, August 31, 2009

Thing #2B

In reading through the material concerning Thing#2 there were several thoughts I wanted to revisit. First off, I learned that a voki is a personalized speaking avatar. Has anyone ever added one to their blog in this class? Secondly, I wondered about additional templates such as the Peanut Gallery blog. Finally I am still wondering when it would be best to use a blog and when it would be best to use a wiki. There was some good information on Copyrights but I still am pondering how to best incorporate it into a lesson for my students.

Thing #2

Hi Nancy,
If you found this, then my URL at works!
Thank you

Thing #1

What do I hope to get out of this class? The technology changes so incredibly fast that I feel as if I am continually immigrating into a new technological country. A couple of years ago I tried to set up a blog with students in my Puma Class. It didn’t work with e-mails, etc. Now I am hoping to return and have success. I am also looking for good lessons on copyrights for my students. The movie maker class looks incredible and I know my students would love to make movies and use the Flip camera. All of the material we are learning could be incorporated into my classes immediately. I am hoping to become comfortable enough with it to use it in a day to day basis.